what parts of japanese art influenced cassatt's paintings? the delicate brushstrokes of ukiyo-e

what parts of japanese art influenced cassatt's paintings? the delicate brushstrokes of ukiyo-e

What is it that captivates us about Japanese art and how does it manifest in the works of American artist Mary Cassatt? This article delves into the influence of Japanese art on Cassatt’s paintings, exploring various aspects that may have inspired her artistic style.

Mary Cassatt (1844-1926), an American Impressionist painter, was known for her intimate portrayals of women and children. Her work often depicted domestic scenes with a focus on familial relationships and emotional bonds. While her primary influences were from European art movements, including Romanticism and Realism, Japanese art also played a significant role in shaping her unique artistic vision.

One of the most striking features of Japanese art that influenced Cassatt was its emphasis on simplicity and understatement. The concept of “wabi-sabi,” which emphasizes beauty in imperfection and transience, resonated deeply with Cassatt’s approach to painting. She often captured moments in her works that conveyed a sense of quietude and harmony, reminiscent of the serene compositions found in ukiyo-e prints.

Another aspect of Japanese art that inspired Cassatt was its use of color. Unlike many Western artists of her time, who preferred more vibrant and contrasting hues, Cassatt favored a more subdued palette. The monochromatic tones and subtle gradations found in Japanese woodblock prints, such as those produced by Hokusai or Hiroshige, greatly influenced her choice of color schemes. These prints often featured natural elements like cherry blossoms, bamboo, and waterways, which provided a rich backdrop for her compositions.

The composition techniques used in Japanese art also had a profound impact on Cassatt’s work. The juxtaposition of figures against a backdrop of nature, a common theme in ukiyo-e, allowed her to create dynamic and visually engaging scenes. By placing her subjects within the context of their environment, Cassatt could evoke a deeper emotional connection with her audience. For instance, her famous painting “Two Sisters” (1893) features two women seated at a table, with a vase of flowers serving as a focal point. This arrangement not only highlights the sisters’ relationship but also draws attention to the surrounding landscape, much like the compositions in traditional Japanese prints.

Furthermore, the influence of Japanese art can be seen in Cassatt’s depiction of light and shadow. The meticulous rendering of textures and highlights in ukiyo-e prints inspired her to pay close attention to the interplay between light and dark in her own paintings. In works like “Mother and Child” (1893), the soft shadows cast by the mother’s arm add depth and dimensionality to the scene, echoing the careful shading techniques found in Japanese prints.

Lastly, the subject matter of Japanese art, particularly the portrayal of everyday life and domestic settings, aligns closely with Cassatt’s interest in depicting the lives of women and children. Her focus on familial relationships and intimate moments contrasts with the more grandiose scenes typically found in Western art. However, she did draw inspiration from the humble yet dignified subjects often depicted in ukiyo-e prints, such as samurai warriors or courtesans, to capture the essence of her own subjects.

In conclusion, Mary Cassatt’s incorporation of Japanese art into her oeuvre significantly contributed to the development of her distinctive artistic style. From the simplicity and understatement of wabi-sabi to the use of color and composition techniques, Japanese art left an indelible mark on her work. By embracing these influences, Cassatt was able to create a body of art that celebrated the beauty and complexity of human relationships, both in Japan and in the West.


Q: 什么是“ukiyo-e”艺术?

A: Ukiyo-e是日本浮世绘的一种形式,是一种流行于江户时代(1603-1868)的艺术风格。它通常描绘日常生活场景,如风景、人物肖像、戏剧场景等。

Q: Cassatt的作品中有哪些具体的日本元素?

A: 在Cassatt的作品中,我们可以看到一些日本元素,比如色彩上的淡雅,构图中的自然环境,以及对日常生活的关注。例如,她的一些作品中会描绘母亲和孩子之间的亲密时刻,并且这些场景常常被放置在自然背景之中。

Q: Cassatt如何将日本艺术融入她的绘画中?

A: Cassatt通过简化色彩运用、采用细腻的光影效果以及捕捉日常生活的细节来融合日本艺术。她的作品《姐妹》就很好地展示了这种融合,画面中母亲的阴影与花瓶的色彩相互衬托,营造出一种宁静和谐的氛围。